Thanksgiving is only a week away I cannot believe it I feel like another year has flown by. The one thing that doesn’t change is the added stress that many people feel during this holiday rush. Although it is supposed to be the most wonderful and cheerful time of the year also is known to be the most stressful time of the year for many. For myself I make sure I make it a habit to check in with myself and ensure that my stress and anxiety isn’t rising. I just try to stay present and make sure I don’t deter from my daily routines to make sure the season stays as a stress free as possible. Here are some mindful tips that worked for me I hope it works for you as well.


Accept Imperfection


With rising pressure for gift-giving, being the host attending holiday parties , the pressure of visiting family it can all just become so overwhelming. We find ourselves putting this extra stress on ourselves and it’s just not realistic and as a result it can leave us feeling empty. So I think a lot of us need to cut ties with perfection. I find a lot of things that are impromptu and spur of the moment can bring us the most joy.


Keep your focus on what matters and the real meaning of the holidays.


Many of us to get very wrapped up into meeting these unrealistic expectations. The reality is holidays are supposed to be a joyous time where you spend them with your closest friends and family. If you focus on the things that don’t matter: too much shopping, cooking, prepping you might miss out on centering and grounding yourself for what it really is about. Do not feel guilty about saying no to things that make you feel are just too much of a commitment or that become overwhelming. If money is tight, there are other ways to show your love, it could be baking cookies or just having a dinner together. Ultimately the time spent with your loved one is what really matters.




Respond with kindness


The past two years have really tested our patience, Combine that with this time of the year peoples patience is definitely worn thin. You never know what someone else is going through you don’t know if they’re suffering, they’re sick , lost a loved one and results and them not loving this time of the year as much as others. I’ve learned a lot of people can behave and not such a nice ways and you can’t change people and how they treat you, they will go out of their way to be mean or nasty and those types of people don’t change so you can’t change them but you can accept  it and change the way you react so don’t allow the negative people that are stuck in your life to bring you down don’t ever allow anybody to take away from your inner peace.




Practice gratitude


I am very big about being gracious and thanking God for my blessings as well as all of the wonderful things I have in my life, but sometimes I think little things can make us tick or trigger us. It could be that the grocery store is super crowded or the stores while you’re shopping for gifts the people are rude. I just try to remind myself how thankful and fortunate I am that I can buy food, that I have the money to shop for gifts.  Some people don’t have that blessing or privilege. I used to have the longest commute to work and it would literally give me so much stress and just anxiety but I would always remind myself I’m so thankful and fortunate that I have a car that allows me to get to work safely safely. Being positive and gracious I feel positively affects all of us. Every morning after I pray and do my prayer books. I always write five things that I’m grateful for it helps me stay centered and grounded for what life is really about.


I hope these tips help. Have a beautiful, happy , healthy & blessed holiday season.

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